Sunday, October 18, 2015

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7 great ideas for garden indoors!

Virginia Nieckarz 
Green creates a friendly and healthy climate in our house. You do not need to convince anyone that the plants around us - it's the same advantages. In addition to the decorative element, in addition to cleanse and moisturize the air in our homes. Flowers consume harmful to human carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.Some plants have the ability to absorb ambient harmful volatile substances other negatively ionize the air. Planted along noisy roads create a wall of sound-absorbing and give shelter animals. Their color works for people calming and relaxing. In the summer heat it is nice to sit in their shade, which will provide feelings of coolness and allow to rest. We present to you some interesting ways to use plants in interior design!
The winter garden is the dream of many women. Variable weather and harsh climate helped popularize the fashion for this type of gardens. The winter garden is most popular in Western Europe, where it came to us. In the Nordic countries and the UK such gardens are created as soon as the proverbial mushrooms after the rain. Everyone wants to extend his summer in the cold and rainy climates.
Cultivation of the winter garden is quite an art, we must meet a number of conditions to enjoy our green living during bad weather.This garden is a kind of conservatory and additions were made is usually a single-family home. The shape of the winter garden should be consistent with the architecture of your home. The main materials used in its construction are metal and glass. The easiest way is adding a device garden him to the porch. A good idea of ​​the garden under glass is to use a corner of the house.Then the glass structure is surrounded by two walls of the house and its shape resembles a gazebo. An additional advantage of this arrangement is better exposure outbuildings interiors and provide added protection against the wind.
The conditions that create plants will depend on the location of the garden in relation to the world. The best conditions can be expected if the garden we will add to the west or the east wall. Positioning it on the south side will cause overheating of the interior. Excess sun exposure harms not only us but many of our roślinkom. Rapid evaporation of water from the ground, sunburn leaves and flowers, the development of many diseases - these are just some of the symptoms of a bad location of the garden and the strong influence of the sun. The northern side is the least desirable, but if you have a garden with her hand, then you should plant shade-loving plants, because conservatory will be dark and cold. Species of flowers światłolubnych will have pale leaves, stems elongated and their growth will be limited or stopped due to insufficient amount of light in the room.
The patio is an internal courtyard dwelling, which leads to the entrance of each room of the building. It has usually square or rectangular, surrounded on all sides wall, often with arcades and the main entrance. The floor is tiled patio stone, and the interior is decorated with potted plants and small forms of architecture, which could include, among others, fountains, statues, pots sometimes pools.
 This form is present in the architecture of the courtyard Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American. Formerly patio was built in wealthy homes, palaces and villas, mainly in Spain and Portugal. In the modern world the name of the patio is also used to determine small courtyard acting as a decorative house.
In the above picture presented the patio, which features a charming winter garden in the implementation of Original Studies Project QUBATURA in Piaseczno.
Loggias best be described as balconies wardrobes. Loggia is typically located on the floor or on two floors of the building, one above the other. A string of columns or arches replaced by one outer wall of the loggia, which gives them a panoramic view of the garden and surrounding landscape. Loggia is a place designed for rest and relaxation, admiring the same resting wonderful views. Comfortable chairs and sofas invite you to take a break, which is so needed in this busy world today. To relax at the loggia of the more enjoyable it is worth romantically decorate the place, well check out all the lanterns and of course flowers. It can be placed along the railing, put on the table or hang on the wall wherever you put it - will make the loggia will be even better show.Prior to the selection of flowers should, however, pay particular attention to the conditions under which will be positioned, namely: sunlight, wind, side of the world, etc., Then choose the most suitable.
Loggias are built mainly in multi-storey houses and their length may reach the entire width of the building or confined to a width of one room. Sometimes balcony loggia is an extension protruding beyond the outline of the building, thus reducing the loss of usable area of ​​the apartment. Moving the wall into the room separates from the rest of the room loggia reduces the surface area of ​​the room, so this is not often used.
During the Italian Renaissance was a very common element used in architecture and decoration was a beautiful building with its original arches and carved columns. Additional interest is the fact that the loggias in the Gothic period existed as an independent, ornamental and open pavilions for the contemporary people as a place for meetings and conferences fraternities and guilds.

Large windows

If you plan to purchase plants for your home, we must be guided not only our taste, but above all, pay attention to the size of the windows, toward geographic, which overlook the amount of light entering the room. The optimal place for our plants is a large window, preferably one that occupies almost an entire wall and is built on the south-east or south-west. Unfortunately, not all apartments have large windows. The general rule is that the larger the window, the more light comes into the house, and thus so much better feel flowers. At the time when we want to reduce the emission of sunlight in the afternoon just hang a curtain or shield them blind. An additional advantage of the large windows is the fact that we can put flowers in pots on the windowsill not only, but also in further parts of the room. Do not forget those plant species that are shade-loving and do not like direct sun.

Lots of plants

Home interior decorating with plants need to consider: size of the apartment, size of windows and the amount of light entering the interior, as well as a sense of aesthetics. No, it is irrelevant whether at home living children or pets. There are many plants decorating the houses that are poisonous. After eating poisonous plants our pet is seriously ill. Some flowers are also irritating to the skin juice in the form of white milk or spikes, which children can get hurt.
When composing floral arrangement, let us consider the conditions in which it grows in the wild. We choose the flowers so that together were plants who enjoy similar conditions. Smaller flowers can be set up, together, after several pieces. Very large flowers that occupy a large space, to better expose alone. Although not quite, they are suitable for small rooms, but great to decorate a large living room or bedroom. Shade-loving plants, let's set in a humid bathroom, the kitchen or on the windowsill North. In small rooms let's put the emphasis on climbing plants. Suspended on the wall does not clutter the small space. An interesting solution is to plant climbing plants in pots with ladders, which over time will create vivid screen at home. The small space overloaded plants can adversely overwhelm the interior. We may also combine plants on the principle of contrast colors of their leaves or flowers. This limits us in this regard is only our ingenuity and the conditions needed flowers for their lives. Placed in a dark corner of the plants can be doświetlać artificial lighting. Lamps also be interesting decorative element of the room. It is impossible to prepare a ready-made recipe to decorate the house with flowers, how many houses, and if their owners, there are so many ideas to use flowers in the arrangement of housing. All different from each other in size, use of space, tastes of their owners, and above all, time that can be spent on nurturing our colorful favorites.

Vertical garden

Vivid garden in a flat space-saving? This is not a joke. Such a solution is a vertical garden which allows artificial build vertical walls and planting of live plants making them so. living walls. Its vertical garden design mimics the natural habitat of some plants.This system is connected together with each of the same elements have special holes for planting plants, and holes for mounting on a metal frame which is fastened on the wall. The whole system of irrigation and plant nutrition is automatic, to the delight of many a harried owner of this unusual and lively decorations. In Poland, the arrangement of such a system is a novelty recently introduced to the market. Such live gardens are very decorative and also act as an insulator wall. On a small vertical surface you can plant a lot of beautiful flowers. The applied irrigation system is a great solution for the forgetful. The device wall flowers indoors positive effect on the climate present in the air is humidified and ionized. Bads vertical is a good idea to arrange the balcony, patio or small garden. The bright kitchen can serve us as a garden herb essential when preparing meals.

The herb garden

To grow herbs do not need to have a garden or plot. Often, these plants grow naturally in extreme conditions. It is therefore a good idea to assume a miniature garden on a sunny window sill in a clay pot or even in the case of the balcony. In summer, these pots can move to the balcony. The smell of certain herbs repels mosquitoes, which is an advantage to cultivate these plants.Herbs are not only healthy, but they can also be an interesting way to decorate the interior of our kitchen. Single herb seedlings can be planted together in one larger container creating an interesting arrangement, or any species in a separate pot. Shallower pots we apply for such herbs as marjoram, thyme or savory. Pots deeper we will use to plant lemon balm, basil, rosemary and tarragon. Herbs have different root systems and therefore we have to pay attention to the correct way of planting .For the joint planting is not suitable mint that quickly drown out other plants growing together. On the kitchen windowsill we can grow as sage and oregano. Very often we forget that parsley, chives and dill are also herbs. Their cultivation in home conditions should not cause trouble. Some avid gardeners are experimenting trying to grow on the windowsill cumin. New and interesting solution for growing herbs is a vertical garden described above.
The above picture shows the arrangement of studies Anna Jaje.
Do you also love the presence of flowers in the interiors of houses and apartments?

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